Lazy Beauty Steps


I wrote a post a few months back called The Step Which Makes a Big Difference talking about that one beauty step that many people miss out of their routine despite what a big difference it makes, that step being curling your eyelashes. That post got me thinking recently, what beauty steps are we all lazy at doing on a regular basis? 

For me it’s definitely painting my nails and moisturising. A few years back I was obsessed with painting my nails much to the annoyance of my teachers at school who were always chasing me with nail varnish remover. I was always experimenting with nail art and donning bright tips but in more recent times I've completely fallen out of love with painting my nails. I'm quite impatient with letting them dry which doesn't help but nowadays unless I'm obsessed with a particular shade - at the moment it's Barry M's Eat My Dust, review here - I leave them bare. 

The other beauty step I always miss in my routine is moisturising. I'm an avid face and neck moisturiser but when it comes to my hands and limbs I hate the sticky feeling you're left with whilst the moisturiser soaks into the skin so I avoid doing it as much as I can get away with. I've even tried the Nieva In Shower Body Moisturiser which although it works amazingly, still leaves a slight stickiness to the skin that I don't like. Though with summer coming up I should get into the habit of moisturising as scaly legs aren't the best look.

What beauty steps are you lazy at keeping up with?

~ Jade xx

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Canon 600D with 18-55mm lens, Canon 24mm lens or Sigma 70-300mm lens. Canon EOS M with 18-55mm lens or Canon 24mm lens. Any edited photos are edited using Photoshop CS6. Picture source is given for any photo used that is not directly ours.