Bagels | Sunday Bakes


Who doesn’t like bagels? Whether they’re toasted for breakfast or stuffed with tuna for lunch, they're great. I had a go at baking some recently and although they take a bit of time to do they aren’t difficult at all. This recipe makes 12 and they’re great for freezing so you can always have freshly, homemade bagels on hand.

I N G R E D I E N T S :

300ml Warm water
7g Dried yeast
500g Strong white bread flour
2tbsp Honey
1tbsp Salt
1 Egg white
1 Egg

Handful of chives

M E T H O D :

1. Dissolve the yeast in the warm water. Combine the flour, salt, honey and yeast water in a bowel and then knead for 5-10 minutes until a soft dough is formed - I used a dough hook and an electric mixer but you can do it by hand also. Leave the kneaded dough to prove for an hour in a warm place under a cloth.

2. Add the flavourings to your dough. You can leave them plain or add chives - like I did - seeds, cinnamon sugar, anything you want to. Divide the dough into 12 equal pieces and create a round bagel shape about 2cm deep. If you struggle to form the circular shapes then you can roll out the dough and use cutters like I did, this also makes the bagels more uniform in shape.

3. Place the bagels on a baking tray. If you formed the circular discs, cut out a hole in the middle of each bagel using a cutter. Leave the bagels to prove again for 30-45 minutes.

4. Heat a large pan of boiling water and preheat your oven to 180ºC. Boil the bagels two at a time for 1 minute on each side, dry them off on a tea towel before returning to the baking sheet.

5. Brush the bagels with a beaten egg and bake for 25 minutes until golden brown. Allow to cool and then serve how you like - my favourite way is toasted with cream cheese and cracked pepper.

~ Jade xx

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Canon 600D with 18-55mm lens, Canon 24mm lens or Sigma 70-300mm lens. Canon EOS M with 18-55mm lens or Canon 24mm lens. Any edited photos are edited using Photoshop CS6. Picture source is given for any photo used that is not directly ours.