That time of year
It's that time of year again when A-level results are released in the UK and second year college students (like myself) learn their fate on whether they're going to university or not. It can be an incredibly scary, intense and pressurised time for some or a fairly relaxed time for others (especially if you've received an unconditional offer, which I wish I had, or you have plans for a gap year, which again I wish I had). Even if you find yourself not going to university because you don't want to it's still that point where you have your results and it's time to enter the real world, away from education where there's no teachers to guide you, no routine of lessons and homework. It's time to grow up. And it can be scary. But everything will be okay. If you don't get the grades you want and don't get accepted to your first choice there's always your insurance choice, or you could take a year to re-sit some exams and end up at your first choice next year. There's a lot of pressure put on to young people nowadays to do well in education and get into a top university and get a good degree and although it's great if you do that (I know I'm going to try) it's not the end of the world if you don't or you get there and it doesn't work out. Good results are helpful to get to where you want to be, however it's not the be all and end all.
I hope results day isn't too scary for you all and you all get the results you need/want. Good luck.
~ Jade xx